Here is a list of my exisiting projects in github and a short explanation of them.
The projects are categorized by subject. I’ll try to add more detailed explanation asap!
List of Subjects:
- Operating Systems
- Computer Networks
- Algorithmic Graph Theory
- Real-Time and Embedded Systems
- Machine Learning
- Data Communication
- Internet Engineering
- Computer-Aided Design
- Signal and Systems
- Linear Control Systems
- Design and Analysis of Compilers
- Network Secuirty
- Linear Control Systems
- Digital Electronic Circuits
- VLSI(Very-large-scale integration)
- Thesis Project
Operating Systems
- A simple downloader project written in c
- A simple server/client project for managing driving penalties
- A neural network written using semaphores
- A simple implementation of virtual memory
Computer Networks
Algorithmic Graph Theory
Computer Assignment #2
Solved following problems using R and igraph- Prize collecting steiner tree problem
- calculating centrality scores for a directed weighted graph to find important nodes in GOT(Game of Thrones) graph
- Using igraph clustering methods to divide GOT graph into sets of vertices
- An implementation of Random Walk Closeness Centrality
- TODO Desc
Real-Time and Embedded Systems
Machine Learning
- Learning to work with Jupyter and scikit-learn library
- Notebooks and code for the book "Introduction to Machine Learning with Python"
Data Communications
- An implementation of Lloyds Quantizer using matlab
- An implementation of Huffman coding and Convolutional coding using python
- Visualization of MAP
Internet Engineering
Computer-Aided Design
- A 3*3 matrix multiplicator written in verilog
- todo desc.
- In implementation of a Neuron written in verilog
Signals and Systems
Linear Control Systems
Design and Implementation of Compilers
Introduction to Network Secuiry
Computer Architecture
Digital Electronic Circuits
- An implementation of an inverter, And, and Or gate using hspice
- 2-to-1 Decoder implemented using cmos, pseudo-nmos and dynamic logic
- Mosfet Charactersitics
VLSI assignment 2
- calculating switching activity
- finding 5 best inputs which cause minimum leakage
- gate level implementation of Kogge-Stone and Brent-Kung adders
- Nand Scaling