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Here is a list of my exisiting projects in github and a short explanation of them. The projects are categorized by subject. I’ll try to add more detailed explanation asap! :nerd_face:

List of Subjects:

Operating Systems

  1. A simple downloader project written in c
  2. A simple server/client project for managing driving penalties
  3. A neural network written using semaphores
  4. A simple implementation of virtual memory

Computer Networks

  1. Introduction to Mininet
  2. Wordcount using Hadoop
  3. An implementation of TCP protocol using Java

Algorithmic Graph Theory

  1. Computer Assignment #2
    Solved following problems using R and igraph
    • Prize collecting steiner tree problem
    • calculating centrality scores for a directed weighted graph to find important nodes in GOT(Game of Thrones) graph
    • Using igraph clustering methods to divide GOT graph into sets of vertices
    • An implementation of Random Walk Closeness Centrality
  2. TODO Desc

Real-Time and Embedded Systems

  1. Light-Seeking Arduino Robot

Machine Learning

  1. Learning to work with Jupyter and scikit-learn library
  2. Notebooks and code for the book "Introduction to Machine Learning with Python"

Data Communications

  1. An implementation of Lloyds Quantizer using matlab
  2. An implementation of Huffman coding and Convolutional coding using python
  3. Visualization of MAP

Internet Engineering

  1. Implementation of a A web application similar to JobInja

Computer-Aided Design

  1. A 3*3 matrix multiplicator written in verilog
  2. todo desc.
  3. In implementation of a Neuron written in verilog

Signals and Systems

  1. Signal and Systems proj2 todo

Linear Control Systems

  1. Predator-Prey equations analysis using matlab

Design and Implementation of Compilers

  1. Smoola Lexical and Syntax Analyzer using ANTLR
  2. Smoola Semantic Analysis
  3. Smoola Name Analysis

Introduction to Network Secuiry

  1. A BeEF google phishing scenario using Stackoverflow

Computer Architecture

  1. an implementation of MIPS using verilog with Nazanin Sabri

Digital Electronic Circuits

  1. An implementation of an inverter, And, and Or gate using hspice
  2. 2-to-1 Decoder implemented using cmos, pseudo-nmos and dynamic logic


  1. Mosfet Charactersitics
  2. VLSI assignment 2

    • calculating switching activity
    • finding 5 best inputs which cause minimum leakage
  3. gate level implementation of Kogge-Stone and Brent-Kung adders
  4. Nand Scaling

Thesis Project